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Restaurant Hospitality

Pitch Studio

Cut your employee training cost in half and make them stick around.

Pitch Studio is an AI app that helps your employees practice their lines with real-time feedback, memory games, and personalized training that caters to how each employee learns best.

How Pitch Studio works

It's an app where your employees learn their pitch and practice saying it with real-time feedback. The "coach" is an AI.

The AI coach uses memory games and learning techniques to ensure that what your employee needs to know "sticks".

The human brain retains just 10% of what we read and 20% of what we watch. That's why training takes so long: PDFs and videos don't get the job done.


But when you practice your line with real-time feedback, you retain a whopping 90%. That's why Pitch Studio works.

Phone Training AI
Hotel Lobby Service

Pitch Studio is in beta.
Here are some of our beta customers:

  • A major US hospitality operator is testing Pitch Studio for training its service and service recovery tasks.
  • ​An upscale US restaurant chain with locations nationwide is testing Pitch Studio for training servers in openings and regular operations.
  • An owner/operator of 60 upscale hotels, clubs and restaurants.

Join the beta program or get on our mailing list.

As a beta partner, you get free use of Pitch Mentor until it proves worthy for your organization.

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